Today the speed of information exchanges and the quality imposed by a globalized and globalizing market require an extensive knowledge of foreign languages. This applies both to all the companies playing a leading role in the global market and to all the people who want to go beyond language barriers that can easily be overcome.
Communicating means speaking, writing, travelling, knowing and facing each other ...
Travelling does not simply mean going to a different country from your own. Travelling involves coming into contact with new cultures which have a rich history and are full of expectations, memories and dreams ...
My moral commitment is to transmit my curiosity about the world and especially about its people. But you can join different languages and cultures only by speaking the language of the person you wish to communicate with. This is why the Internet plays a fundamental intermediary role in a process of globalization as important as the one we are living today.
...fatti non foste a viver come bruti,
ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza.
Divine Comedy "Inferno", Canto XXVI, Dante Alighieri